Algebra Exercises for kids |Algebra Fun Games | Algebra worksheets | Quizzes | Algebra topics | tests at - This site is an Algebra online resource that covers several levels of algebra i & Algebra 2 for children. It contains algebra fun games, quizzes, worksheets, solved examples, algebra formulas & more. Algebra for children introduces children to concepts like linear equations, polynomials, algebraic processes, algebraic expressions, algebra calculator steps, algebra pizzazz, quadratic equations & more.
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Motivating students to gain interest in some subjects like math requires teachers to come up with other innovative methods of teaching. Game based learning is a potential solution which has proven to work across different levels and subjects. We understand the challenges teachers may face creating these games; hence we have made it easy for everyone. Featuring on this website are a collection of math video games on the following themes: pirate game, car race game, treasure hunt game, memory game, wheel of fortune game, snakes and ladders game, basketball game, crocodile board game and more.
Algebra 1 worksheets and algebra 2 worksheets on varied topics. Each worksheet is a printable test paper with an answer key attached to the second page. This is great because teachers and parents can reference answers to find out if students got it right or not. This section features basic algebra worksheets posted in a special section. There are also advanced topics which students from 5th to 7th grade are familiar with like quadratic equations, graphing linear equations, LCM and more.
This section features solved examples of algebra problems under topics which students struggle with. It features links to pages that show step by step how to solve specific problems. This is a great place to start. The other sections of the website focus on testing already acquired skills while this section is about gaining these skills. Featuring are the following topics: -linear equations, inequalities, decimals, fractions, exponents, graphing linear equations, binomial theorem, pythagoras theorem, quadratic equations, algebraic expressions, factorization, ratios, geometry, integers, order operations, angles, simple equations, slope, arithmetic progression, LCM & HCF, coefficients, quadratic equations, square roots & more-
This section features a collection of algebra tests created in the form of interactive online quizzes. Each test is in one of three formats: gap fills, multiple choice questions or matching exercises. In each, there are questions to solve and depending on the format, students choose or type in the correct answer. The great thing about these quizzes is that they are free, interactive, and online and in the end, students can track their overall performance. Feedback is instant. Parents and teachers love using these algebra tests either in the classroom or at home as a supplement to the regular course.
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