Square roots
While testing their skills on how to find square roots, the grade…

Solve percentage of numbers problem
This is a test on how to find percentages. The 7th grade child…

Scientific notation exercises
These are tests that will test the skills of using the scientific…

Scientific notation and standard forms
in this game the 7th grade child will learn to convert between…

Raising numbers to powers exponents
In this game, the 7th grade child should be in a position test…

Pre-algebra with multiplication addition
In this fishing game, the 7th grade child will enjoy testing…

Pre-algebra subtraction 4
This is a game that will come with more complicated algebra problems…

Pre-algebra subtraction 3
While trying to fill the flask, the 7th grade child should be…

Pre-algebra subtraction 2
This is a math quiz that tests the mental abilities to solve…

Pre-algebra subtraction 1
In this game, the 7th grade child will learn how to handle algebra…