Telling time with Roman numeral clocks
In math is where children learn to tell time using clocks. Once…

Subtraction with fractions
After understanding how to add fractions, this game will teach…

Subtraction of numbers
These are some of the main math equations that are taught in…

Subtract up to hundreds and thousands
This fishing game is good to review children abilities when it…

Subtract numbers up to millions
Playing this monster board game will teach the 5th grade child…

Simplifying fractions
This game involves reducing fraction to its lowest form. The…

Simplify fractions
This fishing game will teach the grade 5 child how to reduce…

Simplify expressions using order of operations
This is a wheel spin game that shows the 5th grade child how…

Scientific notation
This is a game on scientific notes. The player will learn how…

Round up numbers nearest ten and hundreds
In this fishing game, the 5th grade child will learn and enjoy…